Lions 72nd Multiple District Convention in Darwin
‘Lions in Support of CaringKids‘ is a national Lions project, adopted 2024 to 2026 and a Lions Club of Coogee project.
We have joined Lions delegates from across Australia at the Lions 72nd Multiple District Convention in Darwin.
We shared the impact of Lions Clubs and their members.
The impact of Lions on the lives of young carers includes:
🦁 100+ clubs supporting across Australia
🦁 More than $60,000 donated by Lions Clubs to provide Joy Boxes
🦁 500+ young carers supported
🦁 More than 20,000 items distributed
Thank you to all the Lions Clubs and their members for bringing joy to young carers!
We also heard a presentation from the Australian Lions Hearing Dogs. 700 Hearing Assistant Dogs have been placed, free of charge, across Australia. 9 Medical Alert Dogs have been placed since October 2022, free of charge; and a Psychiatric Assistance Dog program has been established to provide dogs to veterans through the Department of Veteran Affairs.
CaringKids was hosting a display booth in the Expo Hall and meeting supportive Lions Clubs and their members.
Find out how Lions is making an impact in your community and how to join a lions club near you.