Lions in Support of CaringKids Charity
At the 2023 National Lions Multiple District Convention at the Gold Coast the ‘Lions in Support of CaringKids Charity’ project was adopted nationally from 2023-2026.
Lions Clubs across Australia will be bringing more joy to young carers by supporting this project. Lions Clubs across cities and towns are donating funds to create Joy Boxes and raise awareness of young carers.
We Love Our Volunteers
Do you have a few spare hours to help us to send joy to young carers?
Check out our volunteer positions.
For the month of June, Officeworks customers in 13 locations have been encouraged to round up the cost of their Officeworks purchase to the nearest dollar at the check-out in store or online in support of CaringKids!
The Make a Difference Appeal is held as part of Officeworks’ People & Planet Positive Plan commitments to make a positive difference in the communities it operates. Last year’s Appeal raised more than $950,000 for 15 charities across Australia.
Thank you to all the Officeworks stores and the Space Planning and Merchandise Support Team for choosing to raise funds to bring joy to young carers this June ✨
Support Our Cause
CaringKids helps children burdened with adult responsibilities. These young carers take on tasks such as housework, shopping, cooking, dealing with health professionals and even taking on financial matters.
In order to look after a family member, young carers put caring before study, school and play time. They often have to cope with the financial hardship that goes hand in hand with the cost of caring for a family member living with a disability.
There are over 235,000 children and teenagers in Australia caring for a disabled or chronically ill family member. On average they spend 6 hours a week on caring duties.
Because of their caring commitments, 22% of young carers miss a day of school per week. As a result they are around 1.5 years behind in NAPLAN.
CaringKids Toy Boxes
We help to bring joy to children caring for a family member living with a disability by delivering Toy Boxes to young carers. Our Joy Boxes are packed with toys, games and books that not only bring joy, but also allow children to learn and grow.
Just a few dollars can help put a smile on a child’s face.
If you would like young carers to experience the fun and carefree moments that we associate with childhood, a tax-deductible donation of $75 will deliver a Toy Box to a child caring for a family member.
Our Toy Boxes are delivered to the doorstep of young carers across Australia.
Contact Us
Please contact us via the form below.
Caring Kids Incorporated
ABN 82 206 098 661
If you have questions about our Toy Boxes or would like more information about CaringKids, fill in the Contact Us form and we will get in touch with you soon. We welcome Toy Box feedback from children and families, share your feedback here.
Phone/Email Us
Phone: (02) 9247 7990
Opening Hours
Hours: By appointment
Toy Workshop
CaringKids Toy Workshop
13-15 Baker Street
Banksmeadow NSW 2019
Postal Address
PO Box 91
Edgecliff NSW 2027