Lions Club of Parramatta

Lions Club of Parramatta
01/05/2024 CaringKids
In e-News, Media Release
Lions Club Parramatta donates Teddy Bears
Lions Club Parramatta donates Teddy Bears

240 Teddy Bears were donated to Caringkids

Thank you to Graham Estreich, President of Lions Club of Parramatta Inc, for the 240 teddy bears donated to CaringKids!

These bears will spread joy to children who are carers for an adult parent or a sibling. Graham delivered the teddy bears and helped to pack them away in our storeroom with the help of PDG Elvio Munzone OAM Lions Club Lugano.

A huge and heartfelt thank you to all Parramatta Lions also for the generous monetary contributions made to CaringKids for the provision of Joy Boxes to young carers.

Your ongoing support of the National Category B “Lions in Support of CaringKids” Project has been outstanding.

Over 140 Lions Clubs from across Australia have made donations since May last year.

Thank you Lions Australia for bringing young carers to the front of mind for hundreds of clubs and their members – showing these amazing caring kids how incredible they are and helping us to reach them with a Joy Box across Australian cities and towns 🦁

Lions Club Parramatta donates Teddy Bears
Lions Club Parramatta donates Teddy Bears
Lions Club Parramatta donates Teddy Bears
Lions Club Parramatta donates Teddy Bears