Lions in Support of CaringKids Charity
Since 2019, Lions Clubs across Sydney District 201N5 have provided voluntary financial contributions and toy donations to support the distribution of CaringKids Joy Boxes across Australia.
CaringKids is a registered charity founded by Lions Club of Coogee member Margaret Skagias, an experienced Social Worker, in 2014. CaringKids is proud to be a Lions Club of Coogee Project.
In 2023 Joy Boxes containing approx. 28,000 items were delivered to 700 children caring for a family member living with a disability or chronic illness, across cities and towns in NSW, VIC, QLD, SA, ACT, TAS and WA.
Joy Boxes feature the Lions Australia logo on every box in recognition of the support of Lions.
At the 2023 National Lions Multiple District Convention at the Gold Coast the Category B: ‘Lions in Support of CaringKids Charity’ project was adopted from 2023-2026.
Lions Clubs across Australia will be bringing more joy to young carers by supporting this project. Lions Clubs are already donating funds to purchase items to fill Joy Boxes, donating goods and raising awareness of young carers.
The CaringKids Joy Box display at the Lions Convention gave us the opportunity to meet Lions members from across the country.
We learnt more about the impact, service and projects of Lions Clubs. With over 1,300 clubs and more than 20,000 members across Australia, where there is a need, there is a Lion.
Lions is Australia’s largest service organisation. It promotes youth, supports medical research, provides aid to people with a disability, community services and disaster relief.
It’s an honour and privilege to have the support of Lions nationally, and to know that many more young carers will be recognised and supported in the coming years. Lions International also awarded CaringKids a grant this year to further support young carers.
Thank you to Past District Governor Elvio Munzone OAM Lugarno Lions for your ongoing support and dedication to bringing joy to young carers, Coogee Lions and all the Lions Clubs across Australia for your support.

Category B: Lions In Support Of CaringKids Charity Project 2023-2026
201N5 District Project – Managing Club – Lions Club of Coogee
Project Committee
- Chairperson: Margaret Skagias, Lions Club of Coogee
- Coordinator PDG: Elvio Munzone, Lions Club of Lugarno
- Treasurer: Chris Aylmer, Lions Club of Coogee
- Media Enquiries: Georgia Bailey, Cessnock Community Leo Club, Australian Leo of the Year 2023
- Managing Club: Lions Club of Coogee 201N5
Lions Club Enquiries, Voluntary Contributions and Donations
Contact us to request Lions Club of Coogee bank details, shipping address or general enquiries.
How to donate to the project!
Donations for this project are made directly to Lions Club of Coogee bank account ONLY!
Scam alert 🚨: July 2024
We were alerted of an email scam targeting Lions Clubs requesting donations of funds be sent to a Bitcoin Wallet Address.
Do NOT transfer funds to Bitcoin accounts or reply to the email. Delete the email.
To obtain the Lions Club of Coogee Bank Account details, please send us a request for banking details and information via our contact form.