Good360 Australia

Good360 Australia
04/10/2024 CaringKids
Good360 Australia

Good360 donates 10 pallets of toys

We are excited to be receiving $130,000 worth of brand new Hasbro toys from Good360!

10 pallets of toys including board games and collectibles are on their way to our toy workshop to fill our boxes with JOY.

Brands including Play-Dough, Playskool, Beyblade, My Little Pony, Nerf, MARVEL, Peppa Pig, Monopoly, MARVEL, Peppa Pig, Monopoly, Star Wars and more. These toys will be making their way into our Joy Boxes and shipped to the doorstep of kids with caring responsibilities.

Good360 are connectors. They connect charities, schools and society’s most vulnerable with businesses willing to donate unsold or surplus goods, services and disaster recovery essentials.

Their mission is to ensure the excess goods and services businesses produce every year flow to people in need rather than going to waste.

The result is a Circle of Good that reduces need and waste in our communities at the same time so everyone benefits – from people to the planet.

Find out more about Good360.

Good360 Australia - Circle of Good

ThanLions Australiak you to our Lions Clubs supporters (over 100 Lions and Leo’s clubs for donating funds to cover the cost of securing the 10 pallets for CaringKids via the National Lions in support of CaringKids Charity project.