We welcome donations for Teenage Young Carers!
They can be dropped at our donation locations in Randwick at the Office of Marjorie O’Neill or Clovelly at the Community Bank Clovelly or shipped directly to us.
Sought after items include new:
- water bottles
- photo frames
- caps
- beauty and self-care products
- socks
- mugs
- puzzles
- games
- sports equipment
- gift cards
- stationery
Toy Donation Locations
You can donate items at
Clovelly Community Bank Branch
222-226 Clovelly Road
Clovelly NSW 2031
Donations are accepted during office hours Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
The Electorate Office of
Dr Marjorie O’Neill Member for Coogee
15/53-55b Frenchmans Road
Randwick NSW 2031
Donations are accepted during office hours between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (closed for lunch 1-2pm).
More Gift Suggestions
Read more about details on our toy donations and see more gift suggestions in our Toy Donation Guide.
If you have a business or connection to a company stocking teen-suitable items and would like to join us bringing joy to children with caring responsibilities, we would love to hear from you.