Lions Clubs International President Fabricio Oliveira Visits the CaringKids Workshop
A memorable afternoon at the Caringkids Toy Workshop on Monday, 30th September 2024, with Lions Clubs International President Fabricio Oliveira and Lady Amariles Oliveira visiting the workshop to see Australian Lions Project ‘Lions in Support of CaringKids’ in action.

This project supports children caring for family members living with a disability or illness. These young carers provide care for family members experiencing physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, mental illness, terminal illness and chronic illness.
CaringKids volunteers and Lions Clubs in attendance included Lugarno, Coogee, Maroubra, Sydney Seaside, and Berowra.

President Fabricio presented CaringKids founder and Lions Project Chairperson Margaret Skagias with the International President Bannerette sharing his motto ‘Make Your Mark’ and PDG Elvio Munzone OAM of Lugano Lions and CaringKids Project Chairperson, was presented with the International President ‘Make Your Mark Crystal Award’.

All Lions and friends of Lions in attendance received the international President pin in honour of their contribution serving young carers.
President Fabricio shared inspiring words and encouragement of our project – bringing joy to young carers and he wishes us ongoing success supporting children with caring responsibilities.
Thank you to 100+ Australian Lions and Leos Clubs for donating over 100K to create Joy Boxes packed with new toys, games, school stationery and sports equipment to bring joy to young carers 🦁
Lions clubs and supporters wishing to donate a Joy Box to a young carer, donate here✨