Christmas in July at office of Marjorie O’Neill – Member for Coogee

Christmas in July at office of Marjorie O’Neill – Member for Coogee
06/08/2024 CaringKids
Christmas in July at the office of Marjorie O’Neill - Member for Coogee
Dr Marjorie O’Neill shines a light on young carers

Xmas in July at Marjorie O’Neill's Office

🧑‍🎄 It must be Xmas in July!! Our donation bin at the office of Marjorie O’Neill – Member for Coogee was overflowing today and packed full of toys, games and gifts to fill our young carer Joy Boxes. Our Sleigh.. oops..we mean our car was packed full of donations!

🎁 Thank you to the many secret Santa’s who spread joy all year round.
Did you know we don’t just deliver Joy Boxes at Christmas? We make Christmas every day of the year, helping young carers to feel special and supported.

Thank you to all our supporters for your generosity and kindness and Dr Marjorie O’Neill and office staff for helping the community to help others by collecting donations 💗 🫶🏼🧸

We accept donations of new toys, games, arts and craft, school stationery and sports equipment for children 4-12 years ✨

Christmas in July at the office of Marjorie O’Neill - Member for Coogee
Christmas in July at the office of Marjorie O’Neill - Member for Coogee